History of Roosevelt Gardens
Coming soon. If you have photos or stories to tell about our neighborhood, please share! you can email information to rgcaflorg@gmail.com or call 954-303-6750.
History of the Residents Association
The Roosevelt Gardens Homeowners Association was formed on November 16, 1998 by Eligha Lewis, a local resident, in order to “represent residents and take actions for the betterment of all the residents”. Founding board members, in addition to Mr. Lewis, included Mishel Clair, Caleb Buisson, and Mattie Anthony. Mr. Lewis was a board member and President serving continuously from 1999. Other longstanding board members include Mary Hunt, who served for 20 years, and Tanya Freeman, who served from 2008 until 2024.
In early 2024, the residents of Roosevelt Gardens were brought together by Martha Freeman and Tina Brown to revitalize the association. They elected Emmanuel Lewis as their new President, forming the new Roosevelt Gardens Civic Association, broadening participation to include home owners, resident renters, and business owners, who all have a stake in the success of the Roosevelt Gardens Neighborhood.